Office of gambling and liquor nsw

Director, Office of Responsible Gambling NSW Department of Industry December 2017 – Present 1 year 6 months. Sydney. The Office of Responsible Gambling develops and implements programs and initiatives, as part of a strategic approach that supports responsible gambling and prevents and minimises the risk of gambling related harm in the community. FACT SHEET TWO: STAKEHOLDER ROLES AND ... - The Director General is answerable to the Minister for Hospitality and Racing. The Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing (OLGR) is a part of NSW Trade and Investment Agency and is responsible for the development and implementation of policy and the regulation and enforcement of alcohol.

On receipt of your identification documents, your details will be entered into the Department of Liquor and Gaming NSW database and your Interim Certificate ... Home - Liquor & Gaming NSW Liquor & Gaming NSW serves the community by regulating the industries of liquor, gaming & wagering, casinos and clubs. Liquor & Gaming NSW | Service NSW Liquor and Gaming NSW is accountable for the development, implementation and integrity of the overall regulatory framework across alcohol, licenced clubs, charitable fundraising and gambling activities in NSW.

NSW Liquor Accords Grants.The Office of Responsible Gambling offers grants programs and other funding opportunities which aim to achieve outcomes for communities across NSW.Talking about gambling, and realising the problems it can cause, is the first step to making things better.

Liquor & Gambling NSW told BuzzFeed News it was aware of the jelly bean advertising and was looking into it to see if any regulations had been breached. Lane Sainty is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Sydney, Australia. Contact Lane Sainty at Nsw Gambling Legislation - Gambling Policy and… Liquor and Gaming Legislation Amendment Act No 7 - NSW Legislation. Currency regulation version Current version australia 1 January to date accessed 3 March at Provisions in force The provisions displayed in this version of gambling legislation have all commenced. See Historical Notes. Call to publish pubs and clubs pokie profits as gambling… Liquor and Gaming NSW says it does not reveal individual venue data "due to legal advice".The amount of money lost on poker machines in individual clubs and pubs in NSW would be made public each month under a fresh push to improve transparency of gambling data.

Gambling in Australia - Wikipedia

Liquor & Gaming NSW assumed functions from the previous Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing and the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) in 2016 . OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES | IAGR - Leading the World in Gaming ...

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage | Office of

Submission into the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing ...

NSW Fair Trading · The NSW Office of Liquor and Gaming (Liquor and ... NSW Fair Trading regulates charitable fundraising activities in New South Wales and ...

Regulatory. Liquor & Gaming NSW · Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation · VIC: The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation  ... An Analysis of Media Representation of the Australian Electronic ...

Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor WA (P/P) - Registered ... Jan 3, 2019 ... Access Group Training Ltd, 36 Darling St, DUBBO NSW 2830, (02) 6884 4478, Amstar Learning, GPO Box 2664 SYDNEY ... Legal Advice - Liquor Gaming & Lotteries Law & Lawyers Items 1 - 35 ... Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (NSW). The NSW OLGR is responsible for the proper conduct of the gaming, racing, liquor and charities industries ...